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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  October 6, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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dream beyond your reach. you know that, right? talking to some very young people up front that you can't see. no matter who we are or where we come from, we are all americans and we are all bound together by our love for this country and for this flag and for each othe other. thank you. thank you very much. in that same spirit of unity and togetherness and love, we are truly thrilled to have all of you right here at the white house, what a special place, right? you read about the white house, who was at the white house before? some of the congressman, not too many. it's a very special place but this is a celebration of
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hispanic heritage month. it's a big deal. it's a great thing. from our earliest days, hispanic americans have enriched our country and helped shape our history. their contributions through the generations to art and music and literature, to science, scholarship and exploration are extraordinary. the spirit and creativity that shines through hispanic heritage is woven into the very fabric of our great nation. our amazing hispanic-american communities embody our great american values, fate and family insecurity and hard work and freedom. [applause] their commitment to those values
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is that why countless of hispanic descent have served in uniform to defend our country, our citizens, and our flag. 60 hispanic americans have been awarded a congressional medal of honor for their outstanding bravery in battle. 60, that is a lot. the great, great medal of honor. wow, that's so fantastic. do you mind if i go up and shake hands? i want to shake hands with somebody. [applause]
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i heard you were here, i'm glad i got to meet you. i heard you were here. the medal of honor, that's the big deal. thank you for being here, we appreciate it. today we are grateful to have more than a quarter of a million hispanic americans serving in our military. we salute all of those who defend our nation and who defend our way of life. each of you here today represents a vital part of the fabric of this nation and a nation that i love and that you love. you teach our children, you lead our churches, you protect our communities and you defend our nation. among you are leaders in
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government, faith, and business. fantastic people in this audience, i know some of them and believe me they are very tough. sometimes they are too tough. but that's okay. i have to deal with it, i have to deal with it. fantastic people. in fact, today, hispanic-american owned small businesses are growing at a tremendous rate, especially among our latinas. raise your hands, that's tough to compete with. they are leading the way in starting new businesses, you are leading the way. you guys better get going. and once we pass our historic tax reform plan, we are having the largest tax cuts in the history of our country.
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[applause] does anybody in this room mind it getting a massive tax cut? does anybody object to paying less taxes? i don't see any hands. hispanic-american businesses and families will prosper like a never before with this tax cut, tax reform is going to be a tremendous boost for our countr country. including the fact that we are the highest taxed nation in the world and we will go from that to being down on the lower rung of the taxes, we will be paying far, far less. we are working every day to secure a future of peace, prosperity, and sovereignty for every american citizen and we hope for a future of freedom and prosperity throughout the entire western hemisphere.
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that's why under my administration we've taken decisive action to stand with the good people of cuba and venezuela. [applause] great people. great, great people. as i announced before, earlier this year we will not lift sanctions on the cuban regime until it delivers full political freedom for the cuban people. the same failed communist ideology that is brought depression to cuba has brought nothing but suffering and misery everywhere and everywhere place it has been anywhere in the world. communism is the past, freedom is the future. [applause]
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we also stand with the people of venezuela, who are suffering under the ruthless socialism. we reject socialist pressure. and we call for the restoration of democracy and freedom for the citizens of venezuela. many hispanic americans understand it very personally why they're so important for us to defend our nation, god given freedom. we want god given, god given freedom and uphold the rules of law. our commitment to these values has been the source of americans prosperity, the foundation of our security in these values have made us begin, and an abse
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beak into the nations of the world. as we celebrate hispanic heritage month, we are grateful for all of you who've contributed to our communities and for your continued leadership in america. with your help, we will strengthen our country's great foundations of faith, family, and freedom. and we will build together one great american future. it's a tremendous honor to have you all at the white house, i want to thank you, god bless yo you. god bless the united states of america. god bless the united states of america. with that, i'd like to welcome a very special person who is doing a tremendous job as our
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secretary of labor, secretary alex acosta, keep it up. keep it up, thank you. >> mr. president, thank you. it's wonderful to be here in the white house celebrating hispanic heritage month with you, with the first lady and so many friends and guests. growing up in miami as the son of cuban immigrants i saw firsthand the opportunities. and though my parents did not attend college, they worked hard, they worked incredibly hard to give me all of those things they did not have. that's why i'm here today and that is also a testament -- >> harris: we are watching the hispanic heritage month event the president is hosting along
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with the first lady. you see them on either side of the labor at secretary alex acosta. we are going to pull away from this book continue to monitor it as well. to bring you up to speed on some of the things the president has talked about, he was there for quite a few minutes talking about the contributions of people in america who are latin and hispanic and he talked specifically about helping out puerto rico and wanted them to know this far away back on the mainland that they are still being thought of and he's going to keep his promise to help them out at every turn. he talked about hispanic small businesses in the numbers of them that are growing particularly among women in the hispanic community. he jokingly looked out at the men in the audience and said they better catch up. he talked about the legislation to stand with the good people of cuba and venezuela and said we will not lift sanctions until the governance of those
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countries respectively do what is right by their people. he called cuba a failed communism regime that has brought about so much suffering. he called cuba -- i mean venezuela ruthless, socialist nation. that is some of what's been going on at a live event, the present did recognize 1 of 60 hispanic 60 hispanic recipient of the medal of honor. they will not be forgotten, the corner in las vegas has released the names of all 58 victims of sundays are events in las vegas. their lives cut short as you know by a madman. we are learning of the more selfless acts of heroism among the gunfire. i'm harris faulkner, let's go "outnumbered overtime" now. a 20-year-old fell into her
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high school sweethearts arms. a navy veteran haunted by the memories of war. a mechanic who held a stranger's hand as he passed away. some of the nearly 60 killed in the worst mass shooting in our nation's modern history. the carnage may have been worse if not for the quick thinking of ordinary citizens like the one we are about to show you who ran into the light line of fire. >> what do you got? >> do you need help? >> let's go. do we have any other wounded people? >> let's go. >> harris: six or seven people we are told alive today if not for that one good samaritan. scenes like that played out throughout the night, acts of courage on display. dan springer joins us live from
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las vegas. these are americans putting our spirit into action, can't get enough of hearing about how many lives they've saved. >> we are more than four full days into this investigation, the deputy director of the fbi has said they still do not have an obvious and clear thumbprint which is frustrating to a lot of people. it is entirely possible that this killer wanted to go down in infamy for horrendous act of evil. it is increasingly clear that he just wanted to kill as many people as possible. we've been reporting on his booking rooms in chicago and boston, most likely in an effort to create the same type of carnage. there is a report he tried to buy tracer ammunition at a phoenix gun show a couple of weeks ago but the dealer was sold out. tracer could have been even more accurate and deadly, it would've shown the killer where those bullets were landing.
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as you mentioned, we are hearing more stories of heroism. >> get down, get down! everybody down! >> a las vegas city worker shot this video sunday night as he drove his pickup truck towards a gunfire. he was able to pull several victims out and get them to hospitals. police are speculating that stephen paddock may have been planning a car bombing after the shooting rampage, they found 50 pounds of an explosive along with 1600 rounds of ammunition in his car parked at the mandalay bay. we are seeing the first public tribute to the victims, thousands showed up for a candlelight vigil. he was the off-duty las vegas police officer who was at the concert and killed trying to get people to safety. moving memorial at the iconic welcome to las vegas sign, 58 crosses, each with the name of a
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victim. a fund-raising page is set up by county officials is up to $9.6 million. here at the mandalay bay, you can see that the windows where stephen paddock shot all those people have been repaired just minutes ago we found out that they have fixed those windows as the city tries to get back to some type of normalcy. the memorials and tributes will continue this weekend and next week. >> harris: it is chilling and so moving to see. the white house and some g.o.p. lawmakers say they are opening to talking about a ban on the devices that cause a semiautomatic weapon to fire more rapidly. the national rifle association says it supports a federal review of those devices but it is not calling for them to be outlawed. here is an the nra chief.
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>> the obama administration approves this device. if you take a look at it, any look at it, it takes a semiautomatic firearm and makes it perform like a fully automatic firearm. it makes it function like one. what the nra has said, we ought to take a look at that and see if it complies with federal law laws. that being said, we did not say ban, we did not say confiscate. >> harris: meanwhile, nancy pelosi says she hopes the ban will be a slippery slope leading to more gun control. it was interesting, i don't know how much more of the mainstream media outside of us has been covering it, the nra is stepping
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in and saying let's review what was put into place under the obama era. >> let me say, this is my first time being on your new show and i want you to know how thrilled i am, we have always admired you and i think you are going to do a wonderful job. i'm thrilled to be with you. i think it's very important. i am for the right to bear arms, my course on defending america, i taught an entire section on the second amendment and why it matters. this is something -- in 1934 the federal firearms act said you could not have an automatic weapon. you can't have a machine gun except under very strict and we've been very tough about that because it's extraordinarily dangerous. this has the effect of creating a machine gun like a capability, turning a semiautomatic weapon or you have to pull the trigger
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every time into what is an effective automatic weapon. i suspect what we look at, we are going to the side that should be covered under the 1934 firearms act and require very stringent federal controls. they are clearly killing machines and they don't relate to the right to bear arms in a traditional sense. i was glad to see the national rifle association come out and say we need to look by this. the terrible killings we have just seen have got all of us thinking we have to take a serious look at this. >> harris: i would like to look for those spots where we can figure out not what is right but who is right. the nra steps and where many democrats haven't even stepped in and said let's meet someplace in the middle. and still, they have a membership they have to honor the rights of.
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>> i think there is a very deep sense of the second amendment was put in deliberately by the founding fathers to protect us from government, there is no question the second amendment was designed as a political amendment to make sure the american people were armed and there are about 300 million weapons in the united states. it's an amazing ability to defend ourselves. at the same time, it saddened me a little bit to see nancy pelosi probably go back to the same old tired script. she could calmly come to the middle, join the national rifle association, look for the right thing to do. i think most americans would agree we do not want to have the ability for somebody to easily turn a semiautomatic weapon into an automatic weapon. i think there will be strong support for adding this. we have after all for over 80
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years had a federal law which said you can't own a machine gun except under very unique license to circumvent circumstances. i think this clearly fits under that general rule. >> harris: in the interest of getting something done, do you think words like slippery slope keep us from getting where we need to be? you will flood the house on the hill, you know this. at some point we do have to get together and talk about it. >> it would be nice occasionally, particularly for a very senior leader, it will be nice to occasionally tone down the words, try to come together and let's have a civil conversation without automatically becoming partisan. here's a place where we might actually get something positive done for the country. >> harris: thank you for your kind words and expertise on this matter. today president trump doing what republicans in congress have not been able to do by striking a blow to obamacare in the
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workplace. we will talk about it, stay close. i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurhuh. with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico can help with way more than car insurance. boats, homes, motorcycles... even umbrella coverage. this guy's gonna wish he brought his umbrella. fire at will!
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>> harris: let's start with the fox news alert, the white house is rolling back part of obamacare, that is happening today. the provision which requires
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companies to include birth control with their health insurance is what we are talking about. that rule previously had exemptions for churches and religious nonprofits, now nearly any business can opt out effective immediately. the aclu responded with a lawsuit. on what grounds can these businesses now object? >> before these exemptions were limited to include religious beliefs but now they've been expanded to include moral objections as well. according to the rules released today, employers can withhold contraception coverage if they have "sincerely held moral objections." a spokesman for the department of health and human services says "no american should be forced to violate his or her own conscience according to abide by the laws and regulations for our health care system." as for how these companies can
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claim they have "sincerely held moral objections" the administration says it will be determined by the state in which the company is located. the bottom line, if an employer's position is determined to be sincerely held, that company, nonprofit, basically any nongovernmental entity or employer, that company can withhold birth control coverage. under this new rule released today. >> harris: we are going to get deeper into this coming up, we appreciate you setting up the facts for us. a cryptic message to the world from president trump as he was meeting with top military leaders in the white house. it was during a photo op before dinner with pentagon brass and their spouses. he told a reporter that meeting was "the calm before the storm."
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suggesting something major could be in the works. you watch for yourself. >> this represents, the calm before the storm. the calm before the storm. we have the world's great military people. >> what storm? >> you will find out. >> harris: a retired four-star general, do we have a storm? one will it hit? >> first of all, congratulation congratulations. i'm absolutely thrilled to see you in this position, it is so well deserved.
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what this president has done, he has put america back on the world stage is, he's reassuring our allies, something barack obama was quite unwilling to do, he is confronting our adversaries. i think we have an announcement coming, he's going to take a run on, clearly a strategic energy of the united states. the goals of our allies, he said as much. he certainly doesn't like the nuclear deal, he likes their behavior even less. >> harris: it's interesting what you say, there was an air of capitulation we were flavored with over the last few years for the critics of the obama administration. i'm wondering how you right the ship with that if president trump has now done that in your estimate and how significant that is. >> it started on january 30th, 10 days after inauguration when iran testfired a ballistic
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missile, i think it was designed to get a reaction out of the new president. he called them out and said he would not tolerate their aggressive behavior and destabilize the region. what he said was actually the start and now we know he's been conducting a review of iran and its aggressive behavior and i think he's at a point where he's made a decision. >> harris: what about the deal that we know would be the reason you would decertify. >> they've made some minor noncompliance things. i think the president's approach to his national security team if they decertify will be that they violate the spirit of the deal. one is you are conducting ballistic missile testing.
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not prohibited by the deal, prohibited by u.n. resolution. why would you want to be testing ballistic missiles? the second thing that disturbs them so much, the fact that they are trampling over our allies in the region. lebanon, syria, they destabilized yemen. those are very serious issues. those are serious issues, that's why he looks at this thing and said we have this deal with the iranians. at the same time, iran is taking money from the deal and using it to put the security of our allies and our national interest at risk. >> harris: if there is a storm coming in might be via iran.
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thank you very much for breaking this town. a new call for a change in house democratic leadership as one of the top democrats says it is time for minority leader nancy pelosi to step aside. make room for the new generation. we will get a power panel to talk about it. it is she right? what will democrats do with her? >> i think there comes a time when you need to and i think it's time.
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therapies, treatments and technologies to identify a plan specifically for each patient. my doctor understood that who i am was just as important as what cancer i had. we talked about options. my doctor told me about a robotic surgery that was less invasive. we have excellent technology that allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. at ctca, it's all about what you can do. i feel fantastic now. exploring treatment options is at the heart of how we fight cancer. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more about our treatment options at appointments available now. >> harris: this is interesting inside the democratic party, i wonder what the dinner parties are like right now.
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they are saying nancy pelosi should step aside and make room for the next leaders. her team is saying she has kept the caucus unified. here's what the vice democratic caucus chairwoman said earlier. >> it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders and i want to be a part of that transition and see that happen. we have many great members here who don't always get the opportunities they should and i would like to see that change. >> harris: simon rosenberg is a former campaign advisor to bill clinton and president and founder of the think think tan. i think you forecast this a little bit ago. is this what you anticipated? >> first of all, congratulations on the new show, it's great to be here and go to luck. two quick points. i think it was an appropriate r
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linda sanchez to raise this right now. there are periods when we have this debate, having said that, this generational challenge that she articulated is going to be a challenge for nancy pelosi to keep her team together. anyone who runs one of these caucuses know that keeping your team together is art. one of nancy's greatest challenges, there are a lot of young democrats that want to get more airtime, so how she manages this going forward will be a really important part of whether she is a successful leader in the next couple of years. >> harris: you always look for those opening salvos for somebody to fund raise off of and nobody gets hurt by this except if you are nancy pelosi. it does this give the door to open for the g.o.p. and say loo
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look, fresh ideas, even the democrats agree they don't have any. >> i don't think so. there is so much else going on in politics right now, so many issues. look, this is a heart of mitch mcconnell and paul ryan have both had real struggles. keeping the aca was a big setback for paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. >> harris: you don't hear people saying let's replace them and oh by the way, here are suggestions we have for you in the middle, we are coming off the heels of vegas, this is not happening in a vacuum right now. >> the democratic party, its voters are very young. our voters are much younger than republican voters. i think that part of what we are talking about here is that not only are many of the young politicians that want to move u
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up, many of them slide it down. >> harris: the swamp has a greasy hold. >> there are many young voters who are looking for politicians their age. i think this generational challenge is a real one. there's a lot of energy towards that which i think is what linda is talking about. >> harris: you don't think she's going to leave? >> i think nancy pelosi will remain leader as long as she wants to either. she's in a remarkable person, i have enjoyed working with her for a long time. she keeps the admiration of so many of her colleagues. >> harris: do you need change? >> we will see. simon rosenberg, thank you very much.
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president trump is dealing a major blow to one of the most controversial aspects of obamacare. according to one a member our panel, the power panel is nothing but an intentional distraction on the part of the white house. we will talk about it. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> harris: this is breaking news earlier, developing on this friday. the trump administration rolling back a key portion of obamacare requiring companies to provide birth control coverage as part of employee health insurance. a former hillary clinton campaign staffer and a former dnc advisor, we had a picture of nancy pelosi up before, i don't
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know what it is like at your christmas party. >> don't go anywhere, stay. >> harris: republicans are rejoicing at the fact that there is no change coming. let's talk about obamacare. this is not a new exemption, this came with the package that was put into place while president obama was still president. it looks at now doing what? >> i think there needs to be a recognition that some people have a religious objection to providing certain health care products to their employees. it doesn't mean employees can't get them but to force the company to spend their money to provide these products is offensive to some people. i think we should err on the side of protecting people's religious liberties and understand it's offensive to some people. but trump is doing is making it
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more palatable for those who truly have a religious conviction that they want to express. >> harris: it's not new, it just didn't happen until now. this president has decided we are going to do what this legislation says. >> here is the problem. one-third of women are having trouble paying for their birth control. the problem is birth control is not just about pregnancy. 58% of control users use it because of the other health benefits it has. it lowers risks for cancer. >> harris: you should talk to jason, i know all of that is how the body works. >> the promise of obamacare was that he was going to save $2500 per person. all these things that did not turn out to be true. it does cost more than $2500 and we are talking about a very small sum of money. religious conviction, that is in large part how our country was
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founded. >> what you are missing is the saves money. it saved $1.8 billion of people spending money for birth contro control. >> you are trying to force somebody to spend money on something they have a religious conviction against. as harris pointed out, it is already in the legislation. it's just now finally being invoked. and i didn't write the legislation, i voted against the legislation. >> harris: that's a good point. what would democrats want to have happen? what are you going to do? if you want to talk about changing obamacare, i think republicans would listen. >> do you want to repeal it? i'll join you. >> we are talking about a change president trump is doing, he is making a change of the way things are currently working. insurance that all women have access to this birth control which they need, not just for pregnancies but actually for health benefits. it lowers the risk of cancer and
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if you are interested in terms of the effects, we are talking about the lowest levels of unintended pregnancies in the history of the united states. as well as the lowest number of abortions in large part because of this mandate. >> harris: that's an interesting point. >> we don't want washinon, d.c., to be dictating to women what they should and should not do and what they have to pay for. you are forcing an employer to have to pay for it. one of the problems with affordable health care, it is not affordable. there were hundreds of times in the legislation it gave great latitude to the secretary of health and human services. >> harris: we want to how to talk about more, we are going to have our power panel stay here. stay close.
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>> kimberly guilfoyle weighs in on the las vegas massacre as we get more information about the shooter and his girlfriend. and what was the president talking about when he said "this is the calm before the storm?"
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we will share them with you on "the daily briefing." ♪ >> harris: you've been heating up the conversation on social media, i've been watching. earlier, former house speaker newt gingrich told me that while he supports gun rights, they fall under a law in place for more than 80 years banning fully automatic weapons. >> i suspect when we look at it carefully we will decide this should be covered under the 1934 firearms act and require very stringent federal controls in order to have one of these things, they are clearly killing machines and they don't relate to the right to bear arms in a traditional sense. i was very glad to see the national rifle association come out and say we are going to look at this.
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>> harris: the power panel is back, thank you gentlemen. one of the things i'm learning is that you can outlaw whatever you want, people can probably make their own version. this could be a place where republicans and democrats can come together but there has to be more than that. or does there? >> i think if you have something where there is common ground, take it. it take that victory. if you expanded and try to get everything under the sun, you won't achieve what you want. >> let's not miss the nra getting involved. that is huge that they would come out and find a way to say we can review and honor the rights of gun owners in america. that's a thin line to walk, they are walking it today and it is also a one-on-one match because of what happened in las vegas than some of the legislation i
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see from the democrats. call your democratic friends, i don't see them coming on board. >> we are calling for action in terms of banning bump stocks, places where there is universal agreement. 94% of the american public believe we should have universal background checks so everybody who purchase a firearm -- >> we already have a universal checks. i own five of them. you still have to go through a background check whether you are a gun show. you have to do that. >> harris: give me one more. >> we need to make sure all felons and domestic abusers should not be allowed to get firearms. >> harris: i don't think anybody disagrees with you. >> that's why there is a national criminal background
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check, it needs fixing. there are things that have to happen there. i think you also have to deal with mental health, you have people who cannot discern right from wrong and we don't have all the states populating the national database with that. other states need to get on board. >> harris: these are things that are more one-on-one with what just happened. thank you, we will be right bac back. hey, how's it going? um... who are you? i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see?
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multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. gallbladder problems have happened in some people. tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. ask your doctor about victoza®. >> awaiting the white house press briefing. you can imagine with the president holding an event at
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the white house for hispanic heritage month, a lot of points he talked about. cuba, venezuela, lot of things he will be asked about for certain. it's been a wonderful, blessed first week with our outnumbered overtime show. thank you for your well wishes on social media. i'm harris faulkner. here's dana perino. >> dana: fox news alert the white house briefing set to begin half hour from now. speculation heats up over the president's calm before the storm comments during a photo op with military leaders. i'm dana perino, this is "the daily briefing." 12340e9. >> dana: new developments and new imknowledge as from the magser can in las vegas. -- from the massacre in las vegas. [all talking at once] [gunfire] >> get down, get down! >> dana: this video


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